Friday, July 8, 2011

True friend? Or is it just a fake?

Yes,today my topic is True friend.Don't you have any true friend on your real life? If you have one,did they always be on your side? Lucky you,unlike me..being treat just like garbage by my old friend,meanie right? But what can i do about it? All i need to do is just give up.Yelah kan,tu lah nmenye kwn..ble kite senang,sume kwn dtg kat kite,tpi ble kite ssah,sume nk jauhkan diri..tpi xpe,aq xkesa,asalkan aq kwn dgn sume org tnpe memilih kwn.tpi aq pon de kwn jgak,dorng slalu borak ngan aq.klo mrajuk pon...slalu la jgak,hahahaha.dorng pon de glaran dorng sendiri.nme pon nme kmpong,mmg xleh bla.ok,nme nye adalah diana (DS,gayah),farra (anis,bedah),atikah(joyah),diana(DJ,pe'ah) & lisya.nme kmpong aq lak dolah....nme laki lak uh,adoiyai..tpi mmg best ar klo ngan dorng nih,glak pon same2..kutuk org pon same2,klo kutuk pon..kitorng kutuk diri sendiri,bknnye org laen,lol.All i want to say is,always be with your friend side.Dont be so meanie to them since they are your friend too,If they need you,dont leave her/him alone.
Friend is your treasure