Sunday, July 1, 2012

Calcium Miku - Bacterial Contamination

I like this character from Vocaloid,i dont know why..maybe it because her body so unique,hahah.but it still awesome.enjoy guys~ Bacterial Contamination from Calcium Miku

Feel uneasy....

Yow guys~ its been awhile,i just dont have any idea what should i post on my blog actually..even now i didnt have any idea what should i type. lately i easy get mad with my friend that sit beside me.maybe it because she always telling a same story/make a stupid jokes/always scold at me/saying a bad words... =___= i feel uneasy with her,but it because shes my friend..i cant mad at her,once i mad at her she'll completely get annoy at me.i care about her feeling a lots,but she just making me feel stupid just because of her.well,just let it just a random person who always being alone =3= but luckily my hobby watching anime makes me feel better.well thats all~ i got nothing to share about actually. have a nice day yo~!