Most if you doesn't know what is Doujinshi right? Here some information for you guy's to know what is mean by Doujinshi.
Doujinshi "refer to self-published works,usually but not limited to publication (such as manga or artbooks).The general perception of "doujinshi" is that they are fan-made works based on existing copyrighted material,but this is just a part of the doujinshi community.There are many original works too!
"Doujinshi" is rapidly expanding in popularity in Malaysia,because of the level of creative control that the artists aejoy.They design,create,publish and distribute their own works using any manner they see fit,usually through a combination of word-of mouth.
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Assalamualaikum & heyyow~~ Thun baru dh tiba..azam pon dh jadi baru (pe punye ayat) Skolah pon dh mule baru..Nk citer psal sklh skit ni,first day aq gi sklh mmg tkut giler sbb tkut kne rotan dgn cikgu ke sbb lmbat.Aq gi sklh ngan abg aq.Mengantuk gler time dlm bas,tu baru dlm blum lgi dkat tapak perhimpunan,lgi lah ngantuk time cikgu bgi ucapan.Mmg naya btol.First day tu mmg aq x slesa lgi ngan keadaan dlm klas,sbb aq dduk blkang skali tpi tingkap.Dh lah blkng,x nmpk lak tu..nmpk kutu kat kpale bdak laki er,eish..susah idop,lol..Ble ari yg ke sterusnye bljr mcm biase,tpi ari tu jgak dh ade bnyk keje umah..mmg pning ar kpale aq,xgne btol,lol..tpi nk wat camne,thun ni calon PMR..trima jelah kenyataan yg dihadapi.
Ape2 pon,itu sahaje utk ari de bnyk lagi keje umah yg x siap lgi ni,kang x psal2 aq yg kne mrah ngan cikgu sbb lyan blog ni lame sgt,hahahaha.Peacelover Yoh~! ^^v