Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Well Hello WORLD~!!!

Okay,first of's really been awhile since I update the blog.Well,maybe it because I just got nothing to said about but's really good to see you guy's even though I don't have much follower,hahaha (I DONT CAREEEEEEEE!!!! xD ).Now it's already 2013 and Im also have becoming the senior at my High-school.Pretty hard actually and yeah Im sure you guy's also have becoming a senior before,Congratulation :D Since it's my last year of school so I might think Im getting really really really busy Aaaaand.....yeah~ I also would like to make a plan what should I cosplay for this year also at the same time I need to focus on my big exam.We called it SPM in Malaysia.What? You don't know where Im living? oh you~ lol,Im just kidding.So,since I've nothing much to say then Im gonna go now~ Stay awesome,peeps~ :D

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