Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Eeeerrrghhhhh............. =A='''
ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Damn you stupid exam!!!!! I've got 2 fail on my exam paper...haish....so sad,i cannot doing anything to improve my studies on my fail subjects..yes i do love to make a study with my friend,but if they keep talking that run out of the topic it will bother me..i want to say to them to stop talking other things other than studies,but im scared..cant do anything about it..if i learn by myself,i might be stuck with the question that i dont know..the question might be hard for my parents if i ask them,maybe it because the format is a bit different than usual thats why they cant help me,if i ask my brother for help...eerrr....i dont want to say about it,hahah..but sometimes after the exam,when we got the result,i really shy to give my exam paper to my friend because im fail on exam,damn so shy! at the same time,i also think that im just too stupid to be friend with the clever people..but oh well,at least i try my best to get a good score on test and i also trying to avoid not to copy the answer from my friend even the question is really hard for me to do it..all i need to do now is,always stay clam,try to understand the question one by one and try to remember what i read and what i learn (but its really sucks for me to remember it since my brain doesnt work for reminder) and lastly i want to say...i really..really want to have a good result on my PMR exam or other exam,even i got D on my exam,at least im pass from being fail..i really wish that i dont want to have a fail result anymore.

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