Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday Present?

My birthday is already past,but I still didn't tell to my father what I want for my birthday present.I decide I want a Mp3 for my birthday present.But it seem's I already got radio so I can hear my song at there.After I saw there is a Comic Fiesta on Gempak megazine I decide to go there and spend my time with my friend at there on 18-19.12.10 at Berjaya Time Square for my birthday.But my mother told me that at the same date,there is a wedding.My cousin got married at that time.I ask my mother that I don't wanna come,I wanna go to the Comic Fiesta no matter what.But she said the wedding is really important than the Comic Fiesta.I was kinda sad that time,can't go to the Comic Fiesta.I really wanna go there for my birthday present.
What should I do now? Cry? It's useless if I cry and Im not kinda type person that alway's crying.Angry? Maybe my mother will yelling at me.Hmm..This is kinda despressed.I never thought that my birthday present wil end just like this.I wish there is a chance for me to go there..

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