Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 1 at Comic Fiesta~!!!! (17 December 2011)

Yes~ Today is the day!!! The Comic Fiesta at KLCC~Yesterday I was really excited until I cant sleep well last night.I didnt cosplay at there,I only wear a zombie panda mask with jacket.Actually,I thought I wanna go there around 11.30am or 12pm for buying a tickets,suddenly when I arrived....OMG!!!! SO CROWDED!!!!! too many people!!! And the line to buy a ticket also long like a Dragon and I was like..What the heck?! I really hope that I can watch Shimokawa Mikuni concert but sad...I missed the concert since I got my ticket around 4pm...WTH??!!! from 12pm to 4pm??!!! I waiting for 4hrs!!!!!!! That because of that KLCC Management fault,they wont let us in!!!! After I got my ticket,I was walking around to take a picture of cosplayers,I feel dizzy that time since there is a lots of people at there.Well,I hope tomorrow Comic Fiesta will go smoothly so people wont get angry.That's all for today,and oh yeah I also got lost inside there since I wanna go to KLCC station and I go here by LRT.And at LRT also is really crowded with people!!! aahhhhhh..........That's all,thanks for reading.I'll update a new post tomorrow :D Sorry,no picture of the cosplayers,I thought I wanna upload it at FB~

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