Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 2 at Comic Fiesta~!!!! (18 December 2011)

Day 2 at Comic Fiesta,I went there with my friend by LRT again this day.But that time we need to go there in early morning around 8.20am,just had a feeling there will be crowded again.And I promise with my FB friend name Deniaru(Denial) to meet at there.After we arrived,we went to toilet first since my friend wanna change her cloth at there.After 15 mins,we go line up,at the same time I thought we need to wait for long just like Day 1,but im wrong...we go in there smoothly and didnt take a long time to wait for it,lol.We enter at the Hall 4 where all cosplayers and people who came to CF can take a rest.Hall 4 also the place where people can buy the enterance tickets.Then we enter to the Hall 5,finally......I can enter the hall 5 where people selling an anime stuff or games and people make a perfomance at the stage.I meet my FB friend at here,then we just walk around the Hall 5,since the CF opening getting started so we sit infront of the stage to watch the opening of the CF Day 2.The video that they perform that time is anime Nichijou...LOL EPIC!!! And there is also a EPIC video they perfome,that one we got TROLLED.I was like,WTH...hahahahah.After the opening CF is finished,there is a Lolita Cosplay were perform.After Lolita perfomance end,my friend and I went outside to take some air,lol.We were chit chat for long even before we wanna back home,hahahha...3.30pm,we really bored that time so we head home.When my friend and I inside the LRT,I make a prank of her that we already arrive but not sure if this the last station or not,hahahahah!!!!! Anyway,thats all for today.I hope Comic Fiesta will go smoothly again next year,I'll be waiting for it.And sorry for not update the post for Day 2 at Comic Fiesta,I was really tired yesterday.Okay,thanks for reading~ Peace ^^ This is my link Comic Fiesta 2011
  This video just TROLLED us,hahhahaha.Hope you enjoy it~ Be prepared to been TROLLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 1 at Comic Fiesta~!!!! (17 December 2011)

Yes~ Today is the day!!! The Comic Fiesta at KLCC~Yesterday I was really excited until I cant sleep well last night.I didnt cosplay at there,I only wear a zombie panda mask with jacket.Actually,I thought I wanna go there around 11.30am or 12pm for buying a tickets,suddenly when I arrived....OMG!!!! SO CROWDED!!!!! too many people!!! And the line to buy a ticket also long like a Dragon and I was like..What the heck?! I really hope that I can watch Shimokawa Mikuni concert but sad...I missed the concert since I got my ticket around 4pm...WTH??!!! from 12pm to 4pm??!!! I waiting for 4hrs!!!!!!! That because of that KLCC Management fault,they wont let us in!!!! After I got my ticket,I was walking around to take a picture of cosplayers,I feel dizzy that time since there is a lots of people at there.Well,I hope tomorrow Comic Fiesta will go smoothly so people wont get angry.That's all for today,and oh yeah I also got lost inside there since I wanna go to KLCC station and I go here by LRT.And at LRT also is really crowded with people!!! aahhhhhh..........That's all,thanks for reading.I'll update a new post tomorrow :D Sorry,no picture of the cosplayers,I thought I wanna upload it at FB~

Monday, December 12, 2011

Let's sing along~

Hey guy's~ It's been a while didn't update my blog,hahaha.I was enjoying my school vacation.Actually there is something I wanna share with you guy's,really love this song~ Makes me wanna dance.And the song is "Ee? Ah,Sou by Yamai" The original version is sing by Hatsune Miku from Vocaloids.Yamai is a singer from Nico Nico Douga,want to know more about Yamai and Nico Nico Douga? Just watch all of their video on Youtube or NicoNicoDouga website.Hehehe,Thanks for reading & Enjoy the song's~ :D (Sorry,no English lyrics for this song)
Ee? Ah,Sou (Lyrics)

Tatemae dake no kanjouron de
Subete wo hakarou nante
Sonna no wa okado chigai
Warawasenai de yo ne

Dakedo tama ni wa tanoshii koto mo
Hitsuyou da to omou no
Kigasumu made watashi mo
Manzokushitai wa

Ah me no mae kara kietaitta
Kokoro wo sasu uso mitai ni
Gurugurutte mazaru you na
Kono kanji ga tamaranai

Nee, buttonjau no ga yoi nara
Watashi wo motto honki ni sasete
Nigeru nante yurusanai wa
Yappari sonna teido na no kashira

Amai no mo ii to omou keredo
Nigai no mo kirai ja nai
Sonna watashi no koto wo
Wagamama da to iu no?

Baka da to ka aho rashii to ka
Iitai dake ieba ii wa
Hito no kachikan nante
Watashi wa shiranai no

Ah tenohira kara ochite itta
Murasaki iro no hana mitai ni
Kurukurutte odoru you na
Kono kanji ga tamaranai

Saa, dou nachau no ka misete yo
Honnou? Risei? Dochira ga katsu no
Chouzetsu ni arata de misete yo
Hontou wa koko wo hoshigaru kuse ni

Ureshii toka kimochi ii toka
Shousen sore wa jiko manzoku
Sou iu notte nagesute chatte
Iin ja nai? tte omowasete

Mou buttonja ttara ii deshou
Ittai doko ni fuman ga aru no?
Isso kounattara niga sa nai
Dakara ne, hora ne, kakugo shite

Saa, dou nacchatte mo ii kara
Sono me de saigo made mitodokete
Doko made itte mo tomaranai
Dakedo ne, demo ne, sorosoro genkai

Aa mou dame...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Senyum~! :D

Mngkin de sesetengah org akn pikir yg aq nih mmg sporting @ baik???? @ laen2 lgi...tpi yg mmg utama, mmg sporting ngan org x kire la kwn aq ker bkn kwn aq ker aq tetap lyn (bkn b'makne aq giler nk lyn sume org) yerr,aq pon suke b'gurau ngan kwn jgak..tiap ari aq snyum,xde nk wat muke ar jgak aq wat muke masam tpi lpas tu aq snyum blik :D sbb klo aq wat muke masam nnti xde org nk dkat ngan aq kecuali org yg slalu de ngan aq...tpi aq xheran sgt bnd2 nih,aq x suke nk b'masam lgi suke b'maniskan muke dgn wat snyuman yg ade di muke aq nih.hahahaha,pe2 pon de prasan jgak,jgn pikir aq nih snyum suke2 jerrr..."Change your life with making a big smile on your face" :) oh yerr,lupe nk ckp..klo bleh,wat la snyuman tu dgn ikhlas bru lah manis :D

Pain on my butt

Yes,my butt is hurt because of sitting on the chair too leg also got "krem" i dont know what to say it on english and i dont care anyway *trollface* 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The voice and song are so relaxing...even sounds are really interesting.This is an OST from anime Higurashi no Naku koro Ni or we call it in English "When They Cry".This anime is actually got many episodes and got an awesome story.The thing that i found in Higurashi no Naku koro Ni is about they need to survive in their life which means there will a kill incident in this story.I actually dont know how to explain it,maybe you guys need to watch so you guys can understand what the story line about :D Other than Higurashi no Naku koro Ni,there is still more series such as Higurashi no Naku koro Ni Kai,Higurashi no Naku koro Ni Rei and the newest one is Higurashi no Naku koro Ni Kira.And about my name,i got it on this anime actually,hahahah.Since i really like Maebara Keichi & Mion sonozaki so i combined their name in to Keichi Sonozaki XD I think thats all i want to share about this lovely song. Enjoy~ For more version for Dear You,pls watch it on Youtube :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jaga-jaga !!!!!

Tragedi ketika telefon kwn....:-

Aku: -call mak kwn aku sbb nmbor dia x blh guna-
Keluar suara "Hello...."
Aku: "Hello...blh sy b'ckp dgn A....... ?" *maaf nama mesti di rahsiakan
"Emm....dia kat kedai lah..."
Aku: Yekeeee...~?(syak org yg b'ckp nih kwn aku sbb suara lbih kurng sama)
"Betuuuul....~ hahaha...."
Aku: "Eh? Jap.... Ni sape?" (mcm ade bnd x kena)
"Ni mak A....... lah"
Aku: "Eh? Yeke?!" -suara t'kejut- "A.....balik bile cik?"
"Dlm pkul 10 nnti dia balik la"
Aku: "Ohhh....maaf la mengganggu cik.."
"Hahahah...x pe"
Aku: -tutup telefon-
Kwn aku: Tdi tu sape?
Aku: Tdi tu mak A..... lah!!! Wat malu je!!!! :O -muka blurrr....- Mati2 aku ingt tu A......
Kwn aku: Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Hati2 ketika menelefon kwn anda~! x) Peace lover yoh!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mari Menggosok :D

Aq xtau la nk mule kan dgn ayat pew,tpi wat keje m'gosok kat sklh mmg best..mngkin xbest bgi yg blum cube,tpi bgi aq ni la yg pling best walaupun agk menyakitkan & memenatkan skit..nk tau kitorng gosok pew? hahaha,kitorong gosok jubah utk form 5 pkai utk ari graduasi dorng nnti..org2 yg menggosok ialah aq,joyah(atika),diana,lisya,akhma(ketua),ummi,syahidah,ina,F&N n rmai lgi la dak2 pemp klas aq..kitorng d'beri upah,1 jubah dlm dh gosok 18 jubah :D skrg nk kne tggu upah jew lpas raye deepavali nih :D aq mmg enjoy gler,mngkin byk kes2 gaduh time kitorng wat keje,tpi aq tetap enjoy..pew tah lgi mse time ujan,nk dkat kul 4.30 bru kitorng jew yg asyik kne blasah kat dlm blik menggosok tuh...haiiizzzz....tpi skurng2 nye dorng enjoy klo aq wat pew2 yg salah @ yg xsnonoh..tu lah keje aq lpas PMR nih,wat lawak walaupun xmsuk akal n kne blasah ngan joyah n diana :D JGN JELES YERRR KLO AQ DH DPT UPAH KEJE MENGGOSOK NIH~~~~!!! peace lover yoh! ^^ smpai sni jelah bye2 assalamualaikum :D

hahahahah,lisya XD


peace yoh!

aq bru abes gosok mehhh....

b'gambar ngan diana XD

sedang b'isti rehat b'same apollo :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hai hai hai hai hai~!!!!! Ini adalah pntun wat utk sume org yg membace blog keichisonozaki ini :-

Saya Adilla Azmi,
Ingin mengucapkan,Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,

Kalau segan,jauhkan lah diri,
Kalau berani,marilah rasa rendang buatan sendiri ini. Sekian (lol)

Best x pntun tu???? borink meh pntun ni...nnti klo aq rajin,pndai2 la aq reka nnti. pew2 pon,mmg best pd pagi ari raye..yela kan,mne x best,nnti dpt duit raye..lepas abis jew salam b'salaman ngan kluarga,aq ngan abg2 aq dpt lah duit raye..dlm RM150 laa,duit tu aq ltak dlm poket...smpai jew umah nnek aq,aq ngan kluarga aq mkn lah ktupat rendang yg de kat meja tu utk mengalas perut sbelum memulakan destinasi utk b'kunjung ke rumah2 org kmpung di sungai mahang,nilai,negeri sembilan...lepas jew abis kutip duit raye,kitorng ngan saudara mara yg laen pon gi la kubur atuk,tpi mase dorng kat kubur atuk,aq ngan mak aq de dlm kete..sje je temankan mak aq yg tgh period..mase mak aq sruh kira duit dlm kete,aq cek la duit RM150 yg parents aq bgi tu..tpi xde rase pape dlm poket kecuali tepon aq je..mase tu mmg aq cuak gler smpai snggup tipu mak aq yg duit die bgi tu de kat dlm beg bju semata mata nk tenang kan keadaan..lpas puas beraya di sungai mahang,ayh aq tnye nk dduk umah nnek kew @ nk blik umah rehat ckp kat ayh aq yg aq nk dduk umah nnek nk tgk tv tpi sbenarnye aq nk carik duit aq tu tkut t'cicir mane2 kew..puas aq crik tpi xjmpe jgak n akhir nye aq bgitau sgala gala yg duit ilang kat mak ingt mak akn marah aq sbb xjage duit tu elok2..die ckp,mmg rezeki dkat org yg dpt duit RM150 tuh,huhuhuhuhu.........xpew la,thun dpan aq jage duit aq elok2 :D


Eeeerrrghhhhh............. =A='''
ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Damn you stupid exam!!!!! I've got 2 fail on my exam sad,i cannot doing anything to improve my studies on my fail subjects..yes i do love to make a study with my friend,but if they keep talking that run out of the topic it will bother me..i want to say to them to stop talking other things other than studies,but im scared..cant do anything about it..if i learn by myself,i might be stuck with the question that i dont know..the question might be hard for my parents if i ask them,maybe it because the format is a bit different than usual thats why they cant help me,if i ask my brother for help...eerrr....i dont want to say about it,hahah..but sometimes after the exam,when we got the result,i really shy to give my exam paper to my friend because im fail on exam,damn so shy! at the same time,i also think that im just too stupid to be friend with the clever people..but oh well,at least i try my best to get a good score on test and i also trying to avoid not to copy the answer from my friend even the question is really hard for me to do it..all i need to do now is,always stay clam,try to understand the question one by one and try to remember what i read and what i learn (but its really sucks for me to remember it since my brain doesnt work for reminder) and lastly i want to say...i really..really want to have a good result on my PMR exam or other exam,even i got D on my exam,at least im pass from being fail..i really wish that i dont want to have a fail result anymore.

Friday, July 8, 2011

True friend? Or is it just a fake?

Yes,today my topic is True friend.Don't you have any true friend on your real life? If you have one,did they always be on your side? Lucky you,unlike me..being treat just like garbage by my old friend,meanie right? But what can i do about it? All i need to do is just give up.Yelah kan,tu lah nmenye kwn..ble kite senang,sume kwn dtg kat kite,tpi ble kite ssah,sume nk jauhkan diri..tpi xpe,aq xkesa,asalkan aq kwn dgn sume org tnpe memilih kwn.tpi aq pon de kwn jgak,dorng slalu borak ngan aq.klo mrajuk pon...slalu la jgak,hahahaha.dorng pon de glaran dorng sendiri.nme pon nme kmpong,mmg xleh bla.ok,nme nye adalah diana (DS,gayah),farra (anis,bedah),atikah(joyah),diana(DJ,pe'ah) & lisya.nme kmpong aq lak dolah....nme laki lak uh,adoiyai..tpi mmg best ar klo ngan dorng nih,glak pon same2..kutuk org pon same2,klo kutuk pon..kitorng kutuk diri sendiri,bknnye org laen,lol.All i want to say is,always be with your friend side.Dont be so meanie to them since they are your friend too,If they need you,dont leave her/him alone.
Friend is your treasure

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sorry guy's,Im still editing my blog.It would take a time for me to edit it since I need to find a nice picture also nice colour that suit with my blog.Thank you.

C2Age 2011 (what a bad day)

Hey guy's!!! It's been a long time since I didn't update this blog.I was kinda busy lately,busy some school stuff.It was kinda bothering my mind.By the way,all I want to share is about that i went to the C2age event at Tropicana City Mall,Casa Damansara (I think).Me,my friend and her dad was lost the way when we want to go to the C2age programme.I thought my friend is already look at the map where is the C2age at.But actually she was wrong (damn her),it make's me feel kinda angry that time.But i don't want to show how angry am I at her.I already told her to look properly where is C2age at.Well,she also make a mistake when we want to go to Comic Fiesta last year.The Comic Fiesta is actually at Time Square but she told her brother that Comic Fiesta is at Midvalley,geez.....
Well,what all I do is relax and make them thinking by themself (my friend and her dad) where C2age at.But it because I don't want my friend get yelled so I called my brother to look on the map.After we arrived,my friend wanted to go to toilet to change her uniform because she wanna wear a bunny uniform also a bunny head that made from box.Well,kinda tired when I stay with her.Gonna took a picture of her with the cosplayer and me,got no time to take a picture of the cosplay.But I still got the pic of them,really happy that time.
But at the same time,I think it would be better if my friend and I having fun there :D even I got a hard time while we were there.Oh yeah,if you asking about the pic.This is it :D

Patchouli (Touhou)





Amu (Shugo Chara!)

Katekyou Hitman Reborn

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I can't wait for a be a cosplayer this year.I'm gonna wear Makise Kurisu from Steins;gate (still waiting for the wig that will arrived soon and still need to think how to ask the people sew my costume).I don't know much about her actually,but it because she's pretty and easy to make the costume so I decide to wear a costume as her.I wish December will come soon because I really can't wait for that day but I still need to study first for my big exam PMR this year and after PMR,I can enjoy myself with playing anything that I want (nervous because didn't study for PMR) =A=''''

This is example for Makisa Kurisu costume
The picture of Makise Kurisu

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The List of The New Anime 2011~!

Alright guy's~ It's time for Otaku Time~! >w< There is a new anime that I found in here.So enjoy it.PeaceLover Yoh! ^^v

The year is 1924, the place, Sauville, a small European country neatly tucked beside the Alps...

Kazuya Kujo has been studying abroad at the prestigious Saint Marguerite Academy, where urban legends and horror stories are all the rage. Most Kazuya ignores but the story of the
Queen Berry, a mysterious ghost ship, really gets to him. Of course, his brainy friend Victorica is much more intrigued by true stories, and she uses her unrivaled logic to solve mysteries even the town's famous detective can't. Ironically, it is Victorica's inquisitive nature that leads the duo to board a ship that matches the Queen Berry's description to a tee, a ship that might just hold the key to solving a sinister mystery...

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Mystery & Horor
Studio: Bones
Release date: 7 Jan 2011

Infinite Stratos
Japan engineered an armed powered exoskeleton "Infinite Stratos" (IS) and it became the mainstream of weapons. Since only women can operate IS, women dominate the society over men. Orimura Ichika is a 15 year old boy and accidentally touches an IS placed in the IS pilot training school. He is found to be the only man who can operate IS and forced to enter the training school. Ichika's busy school life surrounded by girls has begun.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Sci-fi,comedi,romantic
Studio: 8-bit
Release date: 7 Jan 2011

The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent", Oga Tatsumi, who is a first year in "Ishiyama High" the school for delinquents. The story starts as he is telling the story of how he found the baby to his best (and only?) friend Furuichi Takayuki. One day while fishing by the river (actually, taking revenge on people trying to kill him in his sleep), he sees a man floating down it. He pulls him to shore and splits him in half which reveals a baby boy inside. This boy is the son of the great demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school. The early chapters of the manga follow Oga as he attempts to 'pass on' Baby Beel to other students at Ishiyama, (The theory is that if Oga can find someone more evil and stronger than him, Baby Beel will attach to that person instead of Oga). After subsequently fighting and defeating all members of the Tōhōshinki and in the process, destroying Ishiyama High itself, Oga and company are transferred to Saint Ishiyama Academy, which appears to be a direct opposite of the delinquent school.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Action,comedi & fantasy
Studio: Pierro
Release date: 9 Jan 2011

mitsudomoe zouryouchuu
According to the cover note of the manga volume 10, the second season of Mitsudomoe was announced. The information has already been leaked by animator Kubo Satoshi on August 31st. Kubo said it will start in January 2011.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Comedi
Studio: Bridge
Release date: 9 Jan 2011

Dragon Crisis
A normal high school boy Ryūji Kisaragi's peaceful life is turned into an adventure by the return of his second cousin Eriko. Ryūji and Eriko seize a relic box from a black broker named FANG. In the box, they find a red dragon girl whom Ryūji names Rose because of her rose like pattern on her left hand. In order to protect Rose from the black organization, Ryūji decides to fight using his power as a relic handler.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Action,comedi & romantic
Studio: Studio Deen
Release date: 11 Jan 2011

 kampfer fur die liebe   
A two-episode special. They are designated as Episode 13 and 14, and the first episode is a direct sequel to the previous series and the second episode is about the trans-sex of Natsuru.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Action,comedi & romantic
Studio: Nomad
Release date: March 2011

Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi has been convicted of a crime that he hasn't committed, and sent to a new, privately owned and operated prison, where the inmates are the main attraction in a modern day twist to the gladiatorial coliseums of ancient times. Throw in a healthy dose of weird little girl, some new-found super powers, and a little conspiracy theory, and you have Deadman Wonderland.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Action,horor & sci-fi
Studio: Manglobe
Release date: April 2011

Sket Dance
The manga focuses on the misadventures of the "Campus Support Group" or "Sket-Dan", of Kaimei Gakuen, a club devoted to solving any and all problems brought to it by the staff or student body for the general improvement of campus life. Due to its general lack of meaningful assignments and unglamorous 'group of handymen' reputation the organization is treated with widespread contempt and it is composed of only three members.
The story is told through a series of short, self-contained stories focusing on cases undertaken by the Sket Dan (Suketto dan means helper group in Japanese), usually told in the space of one to two chapters. Cases to date focus on a variety of issues from more humorous cases like chasing monkeys around the school or helping a wanna-be samurai find out why he cannot win kendo tournaments to more serious cases that hint at Onihime's violent past or deal with near-terminal illness.
Characters from previous cases also often make cameos in later ones and recurring storylines, such as the Sket Dan's rivalry with the school's student council.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Comedi,drama & parody
Studio: Tatsunako Production
Release date: April 2011

Ao no exorcist
The world of Ao no Exorcist consists of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror. The first is the world in which the humans live, Assiah. The other is the world of demons, Gehenna. Ordinarily, travel between the two, and indeed any kind of contact between the two, is impossible. However the demons can pass over into this world by possessing anything that exists within it. Satan is the god of demons, but there's one thing that he doesn't have and that's a container in the human world that is powerful enough to hold him! For that purpose, he created Okumura Rin, his son from a human woman, but will his son agree to his plans, or will he become something else...? After killing Rin's guardian Father Fujimoto in an attempt to bring Rin back to the Demon world, it led to Rin's journey on becoming an Exorcist in order to defeat Satan.

Genre: Shounen
Subgener: Fantasy & action
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Release date: April 2011

Steins;Gate is set in the summer of 2010, approximately one year after the events that took place in Chaos;Head, in Akihabara. Physical locales of Akihabara like the Radio Kaikan building can be spotted in the game. According to Chiyomaru Shikura, who headed the planning of Steins;Gate, Akihabara was chosen because it is an easy place for acquiring hardware parts which makes it the ideal place for people interested in inventing and tinkering with things.The notion of time and time traveling are the main themes of the game. The concept of cause and effect is featured prominently in the game as the protagonist travels back in time numerous times to perform different actions in an attempt to alter what has happened in the future.

Genre: Shounen
Subgenre: Sci-fie & mystery
Studio: White Fox
Release date: April 2011

Okay guy's,you happy with those anime? Can't for the newest anime? Just wait for it ^^ Sorry if i write the wrong thing at there,enjoy~~ ^w^

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What is Doujinshi?

Most if you doesn't know what is Doujinshi right? Here some information for you guy's to know what is mean by Doujinshi.

Doujinshi "refer to self-published works,usually but not limited to publication (such as manga or artbooks).The general perception of "doujinshi" is that they are fan-made works based on existing copyrighted material,but this is just a part of the doujinshi community.There are many original works too!

"Doujinshi" is rapidly expanding in popularity in Malaysia,because of the level of creative control that the artists aejoy.They design,create,publish and distribute their own works using any manner they see fit,usually through a combination of word-of mouth. 


Friday, January 14, 2011

My School!!!!

Assalamualaikum & heyyow~~ Thun baru dh tiba..azam pon dh jadi baru (pe punye ayat) Skolah pon dh mule baru..Nk citer psal sklh skit ni,first day aq gi sklh mmg tkut giler sbb tkut kne rotan dgn cikgu ke sbb lmbat.Aq gi sklh ngan abg aq.Mengantuk gler time dlm bas,tu baru dlm blum lgi dkat tapak perhimpunan,lgi lah ngantuk time cikgu bgi ucapan.Mmg naya btol.First day tu mmg aq x slesa lgi ngan keadaan dlm klas,sbb aq dduk blkang skali tpi tingkap.Dh lah blkng,x nmpk lak tu..nmpk kutu kat kpale bdak laki er,eish..susah idop,lol..Ble ari yg ke sterusnye bljr mcm biase,tpi ari tu jgak dh ade bnyk keje umah..mmg pning ar kpale aq,xgne btol,lol..tpi nk wat camne,thun ni calon PMR..trima jelah kenyataan yg dihadapi.
Ape2 pon,itu sahaje utk ari de bnyk lagi keje umah yg x siap lgi ni,kang x psal2 aq yg kne mrah ngan cikgu sbb lyan blog ni lame sgt,hahahaha.Peacelover Yoh~! ^^v