Monday, December 6, 2010

Anime Figures~

Miku Hatsune (Vocaloids)
I really wanted to buy this anime figures..TT^TT..It seem's i didn't have enough money to buy it..I only have Rm4 now,lol..Those figures is about up of Rm150..hmmm..
Wanna ask my father for the money? Lol,I really scared to ask it..but i really wanna buy that thing..espacially the cute thing,lol..
I will buy it when I came to Berjaya Time Square for the Comic Fiesta this Dec~!! I will buy it no matter what..and I need to meet cosplayer if they have,lol..wanna take a pict with them..:D
Jaa,Sayonara neh~! PeaceLover Yoh~! ^^v
Enjoy the pict of the anime figures,okay?
Black Rock Shooter
Anime figures

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