Monday, December 6, 2010

Can't sleep~

Tik-tok Tik-tok..3:00am..Huuuaaahhh...*yawn* I can't sleep for one night..I don't know why..I feel so lonely in that night..all my family already go to sleep except me..hmmm...
Tik-tok Tik-tok..4:30am..What should I do? watching a tv? maybe it will bothering my father manga? Im getting bored read the same manga..drawing? I didn't have any idea to draw..Surfing the internet? Sounds nice.. :P
  Tik-tok Tik-tok..5:15am..No one was online in late night..huhh..kinda bored..watching anime,I have to wait it to long for the loading.. :O
Tik-tok Tik-tok..6:45am..Its already morning..What should I do? Eat? I was fasting today..Sleep? of coz I can't,lol..I feel hungry..huhh...
Tik-tok Tik-tok..7:12am..Im getting sleepy..huuuaaahhh...*yawn* What should I do? Go to bed? Maybe I have to..I wanna rest my eye's,lol..I got a pair of panda eye's right now..Need to go to sleep..
Sayonara~ PeaceLover Yoh~! ^^v Zzzz....Zzzz....

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