Beatrice from Umineko no naku koro ni |
LenxRin from Vocaloids |
Assalamualaikum & heyyow~! Aq ingt nk updated blog semalam.Tpi aq letih sgt sbab baru blik dri Comic Fiesta..So,aq updated ari ni jelah.Yosh...Ari yg ke-2 di CF!! Mmg best ar.Time tu dh lah aq x breakfast,mmg lapar giler..Ingt nk ajk kwan aq mkn,tpi die xnk mmg xleh nk wat ape2 lah..Lgi pon nk wat camne,aq pon tgh syok2 tgk video lwak yg dorng siarkan.Hahaha..Lpas habis Stage perfomance,Fashion Lolita Perfomance.Mmg cun ar cosplay dorng.I like~ lol..(sori sbab x ltak gmbar fahion lolita punye,aq x dpt nk tngkp gmbr sbb jauh sgt)
Lpas habis Fashion Lolita Perfomance dorng ade wat Stage perfomance lgi kot x silap aq.Tpi time tu mmg aq xde ar,sbab kwan aq nk carik topeng utk ttup muke die.Tpi die x jmpe topeng so xleh nk wat pew lah.Kitorng pon berkeliaran lah kat luar CF..Jln2 pew sume.Dlm 15 min kitorng msok blik sbb nk tgk Stage Perfomance.Time tu mmg aq t'kejut giler.X sngke lak ade Mion Sonozaki kat situ,ahahah.Mmg excited ar aq,hahah.Klo korng tnye psal gmbar sori ar,aq x tngkap gmbar dorang sbb aq dduk jauh sgt.My cellphone cant zoom,so cant take a picture sorry.
Stage Perfomance ni Cosplayer menari,hahaha.Aq tgk Mion Sonozaki pon menari.Lpas abis Stage Perfomance ni kitorng kluar lgi jln2.Time tu aq mmg pnat & lpar giler.Xleh nk tahan.Tpi aq diam jelah,hahaha.Solo Cosplay Perfomance dh nk dkat,bile kitorng dh msok bllik dlm CF..Alamak,rmai plak..Xde tmpat nk dduk,hahah.Kitong b'diri jelah.Kaki aq kebas b'diri lame2,hahah.Solo Cosplay ni biase2 je,tpi dorng pnye costume mmg top!! Secara x sengaja aq nmpk Ryuugu Rena pstu aq nmpak Maebara Keichi lak.Aq x nmpk Satoko,Rika atau Hanyuu..Huu...Sdih,tpi aq nmpak rmai cosplayers pkai costume drpd watak Umineko No Naku Koro Ni (aq pon ade nmpak skali cosplay Umineko tu kat lift,huhu).
Mion Sonozaki from Higurashi no naku koro ni |
Dh nk msok pkul 3:00pm..Aq still x mkn lgi.Aq cadang lpas abis tgk Solo Cosplay ni aq nk gi mkn ngan kwan aq.Ble kitorng dh kluar,kwan aq kte die nk gi dkat kedai roti sbab roti dkat situ sdap..Tpi ble dh trun,kitorng xtau dkat mne kedai roti tu,hahah.Puas kitorng carik tpi x jumpe.Kebetulan plak kitorng nmpk 7e,kitong pon bli lah air & roti.Kitorng nk mkn dkat tmpt CF.Tpi kitorng slah msok lift..Pning giler msok lift..adoiyai.Rase nk muntah pon ade jgak,tpi aq tahan jew.Ble dh smpai kat tingkat ats kitorng pon mkn lah roti pew sume.
Black Rock Shooter |
Ble dh abis mkn,kitorng msok balik dlm CF sbab nk tgk Solo Cosplay Perfomance (finals) Kitorng mmg lme ar kat dlam tu..Aq ingt nk tggu smpai Band & Dance off Perfomance tpi aq dh x larat blik jelah.Sbelum ni kitorng ade terserempak dgn cosplay dri watak Ouran High School Host Club name Honey..Mmg comel ar,die bwak patung rabbit,lol.Kwan aq asyik perhatikan die jew..Mase time Artist Outograf kwan aq nmpk Honey tu tgh b'baris..Die ckap dkat aq yg die nk FB Honey tu..So aq ckap lah,gi lah mintak dkat die skrg sbelum die pergi..Jdi,kitorng pon gi lah mintak.Ble dh mintak kwan aq tu mmg bangge gler,hahahaha.That's all for today,I cant remember much because I got headache right now so I'll edit again if I remember what was happend in the Comic Fiesta day 1 or 2.PeaceLover Yoh~! ^^v
Celty Sturluson from Durarara!! |
Ika Musume from Shinryaku! Ika Musume |
Sakura from Tsubasa Chronicle |
Chii from Chobit |
Lol,it's a cookie monster!! XD |
Im not sure what anime are this but one of them are from Kuroshitsuji |
Please visit the http://www.facebook.com/ComicFiesta for more cosplayers picture and information about the Comic Fiesta 2010.
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